" Living Canvas - The Gallery without Walls"

Paintings that are created by artists in form of wear as clothes in different shapes using different mediums and exhibit on people’s bodies instead of a wall.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Living Canvas - 2008 - Bhutan
I am in Thimphu and doing the preparation for "Living Canvas 2008"
It's very espeical time of Bhutan as it's the 5th King Coronation and the celebration of 100 years of Monarchy of Kingdom of Bhutan.

November 13th 2008 will held Living Canvas 2008 in Youth Development Fund (YDF)- Hall in Thimphu.

Artists - Seven artists from VAST (Voluntary Artist Studio Thimphu) http://www.vast-bhutan.org/
Seven artists from Kasthamandap Art Studio - http://www.kasthamandaparts.com.no/
Musicians - Jigme Drukpa with 'Druklugar' (Bhutan) and 'Attributes' with Shyam Sarang Nepali (Nepal) will come together on one stage to Celebrate this Occasion in Bhutan.


Anonymous said...

It's great to see young artists from Nepal and Bhutan taking art to next level. You people proved that art has no boundaries. It's all up to our imagination. Great job !!!

One frame at a Time said...

Hi!!! Living Canvas have come a long way,congratulations!!!

I dedicated my latest post about Pokhara to you and Michelle.

let's chat soon..been away for a while

Anonymous said...

One again, your articles is very good.thank you!very much.